• info@abrarfuturetech.com
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Abrar Future Tech - Compensation Policy

Effective Date: October 2, 2023

1. Project Termination by Client:

1.1 Cancellation of Services:

  • Clients may cancel a service before the commencement of the project without incurring any charges.

1.2 Termination After Project Start:

  • If the client decides to terminate the project after it has started, no compensation will be provided. The client is responsible for any costs incurred and work performed up to the termination date.

2. Compensation Policy:

2.1 Defective Services:

  • In the event that our delivered services do not meet the agreed-upon specifications or contain defects, clients may request rectification of the issues, but no monetary compensation will be provided.

2.2 Service Downtime:

  • In the case of unexpected service downtime due to issues on our end, clients may be eligible for additional services or extended project timelines, but no monetary compensation will be provided.

2.3 Missed Deadlines:

  • If Abrar Future Tech fails to meet mutually agreed-upon project deadlines without reasonable cause, clients may request an extension of the project timeline, but no monetary compensation will be provided.

3. Process for Requesting Adjustments:

3.1 Notification:

  • Clients must notify Abrar Future Tech of any issues or concerns within 15 days of the project completion or the occurrence of the problem.

3.2 Documentation:

  • Clients should provide detailed documentation of the issues faced, including screenshots, error reports, or any other relevant information to facilitate a thorough investigation.

3.3 Evaluation:

  • Abrar Future Tech will promptly evaluate the request and determine the eligibility for adjustments based on the provided information.

3.4 Resolution:

  • If deemed eligible, adjustments will be provided as agreed upon between the client and Abrar Future Tech.

4. Exceptions:

This policy may not cover issues arising from changes in requirements, third-party integrations, or modifications made by the client after the project has commenced.

By engaging Abrar Future Tech for web development services, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in this Compensation Policy. We appreciate your trust in our services and remain committed to delivering outstanding results.

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our customer support team at support@abrarfuturetech.com.

Thank you for choosing Abrar Future Tech.


Abrar Future Tech

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